Ghost Voices

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About the author

Craig Saunders

Craig Saunders is the author of forty (or so) novels and novellas, including 'ALT-Reich', 'Vigil' and 'Hangman', and has written over a hundred short stories, available in anthologies and magazines, 'best of' collections and audio formats. He writes in whatever genre he wants, doesn't take drugs and this isn't a job interview so it's not like it makes a difference either way. 

Imprints: Dark Fable Books/Fable Books. 

Likes: Nice people, games, books, and doggos.
Dislikes: Weird smells, surprises, and gang fights in Chinatown alleyways. 

He's happy to talk mostly anything over at: 

Praise for Craig Saunders:

[Masters of Blood and Bone] '...combines the quirkiness of Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas series with the hardcore mythology of Clive Barker to create an adventure that is both entertaining and terrifying.' -

[Vigil] 'A gripping accomplishment.' - Murder, Mayhem and More.

'Saunders is fast becoming a must read author...' - Scream.

[Bloodeye] '...razor-sharp prose.' Wayne Simmons, author of Flu and Plastic Jesus.

'Plain and simple, this guy can write.' - Edward Lorn, author of Bay's End. 

[Deadlift] 'Noir-like, graphic novel-like horror/thriller/awesomeness.' - David Bernstein, author of Relic of Death and Witch Island.

'A master of the genre.' Iain Rob Wright.

[Spiggot] 'Incredibly tasteless, shamelessly lowbrow, and very, very funny.' - Jeff Strand. 

[A Home by the Sea] 'Brutal and poetic...' - Bill Hussey, author of Through a Glass, Darkly.

[Rain] '...the best book I've read in a year.' - The Horror Zine.

[Cold Fire] '...full of emotion and heart.' - Ginger Nuts of Horror.