Crimson Curse

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About the author

William McCorbin

William McCorbin is a self-made author. He is a voracious reader who got himself caught up in the less-than-glamorous back side of books—writing. He is happy to do whatever he can to live, laugh, and love. His positive attitude is contagious and he hopes he can infect many with his laughter and his joyful nature.

He grew up in the Midwest, but lives outside of the new third largest city in the country—Houston, Tx. He enjoys his easy life of leisure, even when occasionally interrupted by the occasional soccer game, grocery shopping adventure or that four-letter-word, work.

He has no deep, dark past. He isn’t controversial, nor does he appreciate controversy. Life is acceptable, no matter who’s it is, and he is happy to allow others their points of view. His family is his life. He spends time with them whenever he can, though on his own terms. He wishes to spread joy, entertainment, and positive vibes through his interactions and his writing.