The Secret Art of Breaking Up: Surviving and Thriving

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About the author

Aaron Stevenson

Aaron Stevenson has worked in the mental health industry for over three decades, across nearly all facets of psychiatry, mental health, counselling and treatment. After graduating from Psychiatric Nursing studies, he’s since gone on to earn a Graduate Diploma and a Masters in Mental Health.

Working mostly in hospital emergency departments, Aaron has seen firsthand just how disruptive and damaging relationship breakups can be to peoples lives.

Despite being an expert in human behaviour, it was only after experiencing his own relationship demise that he discovered how little practical guidance there was available, especially with a focus towards how males process relationship breakdowns.

While researching and exploring options for his own situation, the seed for The Secret Art of Breaking up was planted because despite an ocean of information, there was no practical, straight forward, step-by-step manual. A guide of what to do and what not to do.

"I wanted to understand what was happening and how to identify all the feelings and emotions I was having,” Aaron says.

"I reviewed and researched hundreds of relationship articles, websites, podcasts, ebooks, forums and groups. My goal was to take the most pertinent, distinct and useful elements and apply them to my 32 years of clinical and now lived experience.”

"It became a method to understand the process, but also to survive the process.”

In the process of writing the book, he was convinced to keep working on it after a number of people turned to him to help with their own relationship problems.

Now, years later, Aaron has combined his own experiences, research and training together for The Secret Art of Breaking up book and coaching sessions.

A proud father of two young boys, when Aaron isn’t working or coaching you can find him travelling, watching movies or tinkering with his much loved home in regional Victoria.