About the author

Mark Brandon Powell

<p><!--StartFragment--></p><p>My whole life I had a large imagination. When I played, with my Legos or running around outside with my friends, it wasn&#39;t just playing. I was in a different place, I was making worlds. I would dream up stories and settings, where I would normally be the lead, or at least be looking through their eyes. Playing video games was a normalcy for the escape into some uncharted and untold world where adventure awaited, which fueled my own creations.</p><p>Insomnia had been a problem for me most of my life. This was another area that I was able to fill the space with waking dreams, praying that I would be able to get to sleep. It wasn&#39;t till I met my wife in July 2011 that I really started to contemplate what I wanted to do with my life. She was able to show me how happy I could be, just by coming into my life. So I figured that I could, and should, do that for my professional life.</p><p>I started to read more books. I had been a visual entertainment consumer for much of my life, even though most of my gaming consisted of role playing games, of a heavily text base nature. Not having the visual feedback was a different feel. I liked it.</p><p>It wasn&#39;t until after reading a few self-help books that I started contemplating what made me happy and what how I might be able to turn that into a career. In August of 2012 I had a long conversation with my wife, who was supportive of the idea, and I started to write.</p><p>Cypher Theorem: The Zero Class was finished and self-published on October 5th of 2013. From there it&#39;s all history.</p><p></p><p>Website: www.MarkBrandonPowell.com</p><p>Twitter: @MbrandonPowell</p><p>Facebook: MarkBrandonPowell</p><p>Goodreads: MarkBrandonPowell</p><p><!--EndFragment--></p>