About the author

Robert Guidi

Robert Guidi is a grotesque mutant: half engineer and half storyteller. He studied Engineering (Mechanical, of course) at Manchester University where he wrote and staged 2 plays. On graduating he helped design a robotic vacuum cleaner at Dyson, tried writing for a couple of London magazines and failed to organise a charity cabaret. He then spent 6 years installing engine production lines for a car company before going solo as an engineering consultant and, latterly, landing a grown-up job in Mergers & Acquisitions. In his idle moments, Robert enjoys creating musical and visual doodles that, until now, have never seen the light of day. Isambard and the Cato Street Conspiracy (2017) is his first published novel and brings together his love for magic, history and scientific contraptions. Robert lives with his wife and three kids near the Devil’s Punchbowl in the UK.