About the author

Volodymyr Vakulenko-K.

<p><strong>Vladimir Vakulenko-K. Aka VKV;</strong></p><p>* July 1, 1972, Kapytolivka, Izyum district, Kharkiv region)</p><p>Ukrainian literary figure, kontrliterator, writer, poet and translator. Awarded the &quot;Silver trident&quot; marking the 20th anniversary of Independence of Ukraine. Winner: patriotic poetry contest &quot;Golden Trident&quot; (2011), an international literary prize Oles Ulyanenko, nationwide competition after Les Martovych, the international contest &quot;Coronation words&quot; (Special award in the category &quot;Song lyrics&quot;).</p><p>Author of books: &quot;Monohramota&quot; (2008), &quot;... you do not&quot; (2011), &quot;Sonechkova Family&quot; (2011), &quot;We, the Province&quot; (2012), &quot;Tatuseva Book&quot; (2014-2015).</p><p>Recently submitted for publication his Fresh adult book &quot; baptized Khreshchatyk &quot;, which will be released shortly . The author has numerous publications in journals, anthologies , almanacs publications as adults and in children . Compiled and printed spivuporyadnyk several projects , organizer and participant of numerous literary events and festivals.</p>