About the author

Trish Heinrich

<p>Trish has been obsessed with stories about female heroes ever since she put on her first pair of Wonder Woman under-roos and spun around. &nbsp;After realizing that fear of failure had been holding her back, Trish became her very own hero and participated in National Novel Writing Month in 2015.</p><p>Since then, Trish has braved the constant attacks of her nemeses Inner Critic and No Time, in order to achieve the impossible: An artistic life with two small kids!</p><p>Trish was one of the co-creators of the super hero comedy web series &ldquo;The Collectibles&rdquo;. Her first novel &ldquo;Serpent&rsquo;s Sacrifice&rdquo; was published in 2017 and is the first book in an Urban Fantasy Superhero series, The Vigilantes. &nbsp;Trish currently lives in Washington State with her writer/editor/producer husband, and their two geeky children.</p>