About the author

loriel price

<p>Loriel Price was Rockdale County&#39;s first African American female firefighter in 2014. She made history and was a contributing revolutionary to the fire department. As a firefighter she seen many things that cause lamentation to her spirit so she set out on a journey to her natural calling and duty of service; providing healing to people in a wholeness perspective. Loriel was once told by an important person in her life that some people are meant to save 1-5 people but YOU!, are meant to save millions!&quot;. Loriel just has a vision of a world where she states, &quot; I want people to feel good anf be happy, if you are, then the world is happy. Her life is lead by sharing beauty and love through health, wellness and fitness.</p><p>To order the cbd paste&nbsp;please send an email to: <a href="mailto:magicallymarvelouscbd@gmail.com">magicallymarvelouscbd@gmail.com</a></p><p></p>