About the author

Chip Street

<p>Chip Street wrote and illustrated his first books in elementary school, on lined paper, stapled together and shared with his friends. They were about a boy who really really wanted a dog, and a boy who had a lizard for a pet.<br><br>He went on to write poetry and short stories all the way through high school.<br><br>In college, he majored in creative writing -- specifically children's literature -- and art. He was lucky to study with an award-winning children's author who was also a Poet Laureate and a Pulitzer finalist, who inspired him with her friendship and kind guidance.<br><br>Having children -- and now grandchildren -- has given Chip lots of opportunities to tell bedtime stories and draw pictures. Now, he's able to share his stories and drawings with everyone.<br><br>His books are all rated 5 stars on Amazon; film rights for one, "Rocket Summer," have been sold.<br><br><em>​​​​​​​Learn more about Chip at ChipStreetBooks.com</em></p>