About the author

Wesley Idowu

<p>As a young adolescent boy at the age of 5 I decided to pick up the hobby of writing.&nbsp; This was such a crucial moment in my life because everything that came out of my mind was fresh and full of youth. I liked to write about anything but I loved art more, and with my imagination I knew I could make my thoughts come to fruition. I didn&rsquo;t know how to effectively express myself through art so I attended elementary school as a student. I was attending regular classes at school and when usually asked to answer questions my answers were exemplary. One day I astonished my classmates and teacher when asked a simple question about the color of fruit. My teacher asked me &ldquo;what is the color of an apple?&rdquo;&nbsp; We were studying the different seasons at the time so my answer could have had many variations. For some inexplicable reason I said blue which caused the entire class to break out into laughter. They may have viewed my answer as wrong but to me the blue apple was real. Now that I look back at my answer I realized the apple was a figment of my imagination and out of all the things I thought of during that day stuck onto me like glue. I believe the apple signified the book I had yet to write.</p>