About the author

Luis A R Branco

<p> Married for thirteen years and a father of two beautiful girls, I was born in the city of Petr&oacute;polis, RJ, Brazil, in January 1974. I hold an undergraduate degree in Biblical Studies and Theology (BA), a Master Degree in Church Administration and Leadership (MA), a Doctor Degree in Ministry (D.Min.) and actually pursuing a Doctorate in Philosophy. My work includes serving as a local clergyman and a seminary professor. I&#39;m member of the Society of Christian Philosophers, member of the Sociedade Brasileira dos Poetas Aldravianistas, member of the Movimiento Poetas Del Mundo, member of the Uni&atilde;o Brasileira de Escritores and member of the Academia de Letras e Artes Lus&oacute;fonas and affiliated with the Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention. By working in several countries, it gave me of a major cross-cultural experience. My theology is reformed and as a poet, I&#39;ve a melancholic style following the pattern of the ultra-romantics of the XIX Century, as a humanist I&#39;m characterized by the idea that man gets his true essence in the knowledge of God. I live in Lisbon with my family and have published books on spirituality, theology, philosophy and anthologies.</p>