About the author

Margaret Eleanor Leigh

<p>I am a writer without roots. I&#39;ve lived on three continents and in six countries. And in my working past, I&#39;ve been a journalist, a bureaucrat, a university tutor, a bookseller, and a proof-reader. This unsettled and chaotic life has its drawbacks. The only place I can honestly call home is the seat in front of my computer. But it also has its advantages: giving me a rich seam of experiences to mine--an invaluable resource for any writer.<br /> <br /> I&#39;&#39;ve been described as a multi-genre &#39;writerly heptathlete,&#39; which is probably the only kind of athlete I will ever be. I enjoy exploring different genres, and have dabbled in four thus far, producing three crime novels, a self-deprecating travelogue, a trio of children&#39;s books, and a somewhat suspenseful romance.&nbsp;</p>