About the author

Lokesh Sharma

<p><strong>Lokesh Sharma</strong> grew up reading books and watching movies&mdash;a little too much for his parents&rsquo; taste. He spent his childhood in a small town about 150 Kms from New Delhi. Having finished his studies, he moved to The Heart of India in 2010. In New Delhi, he worked for a reputed American-based Bank for about three years, until he came up with the idea for his debut novel and decided to put it into words. Aside from lots of reading and a little bit of writing, he likes travelling, shopping, and listening to music.</p><p><strong>Anubhav Sharma</strong> is an entrepreneur in the IT Industry. He lives in New Delhi, India. Halfway is his debut novel. He is a sci-fi movie fanatic (2001: A Space Odyssey being his most favorite) who also loves playing Call of Duty.</p><p>You can write to them at: aspirationfordeliverance@gmail.com</p>