About the author

Neville Berkowitz

<p> Neville Berkowitz leads a life based on spiritual values and practices&nbsp;&nbsp; combined with being a devoted&nbsp; father&nbsp; to his&nbsp; two best friends, his&nbsp; sons Michael (24)&nbsp; and Jonathan (20), and operating his business interests in real estate, publishing, and Internet development.<br /> Neville was a pioneer of&nbsp;&nbsp; real&nbsp; estate economics&nbsp; in&nbsp; South&nbsp; Africa&nbsp; and&nbsp; has been a successful institutional real&nbsp; estate investment adviser and real estate developer. His business interests have also included publishing since 1980 and Internet development since 1999.</p> <p> Neville, a longtime meditator, holds an ultimate goal&nbsp; of&nbsp; developing&nbsp; spiritual sanctuaries which enable&nbsp; like-minded spiritual seekers&nbsp; to have an opportunity&nbsp; to meet, share, and develop their spiritual values and&nbsp; practices&nbsp; for&nbsp; mutual benefit both in&nbsp; physical locations and via&nbsp; the Internet. Opportunities for participants to teach formal or informal classes based on their meditation techniques, spiritual values, and practices will be offered through these facilities.</p> <p> Neville is the author of The Property Economist, How to be a Great Negotiator, How to Survive and Thrive as an Entrepreneur, How to Live in The&nbsp; Now and is the compiler of&nbsp; 5000&nbsp; Years of Wisdom. He lives in Johannesburg, South Africa.</p> <p> Access all of Neville&#39;s 12 books for free as e-books on PersonalEmpowerment.co.These books focus on spiritual awareness, entrepreneurship,negotiations and wisdom.</p>