About the author

Alya Khomenok

<p>Alya was an ordinary girl who was working for a serious magazine but one day all her life changed because she met &hellip; a crawkulia Ellis! They made friends and little by little Alya got so attached to Ellis that she decided to describe an amazing life of the crawkulia and her friends.<br /> <br /> Alya studied Law and Human Rights and helped people with their legal issues. But her real passion has always been WRITING! Her first attempts at writing resulted in short stories just for herself and her family, but overtime the audience of her readers grew wider.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> In the early 2000s she became a winner of the writing competition &quot;A letter to the man I&#39;ve lost&quot; organized among all schools in the country.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> As a student and later on as a lawyer she kept on writing&hellip; articles on medicine law! There were 20 of them in addition to the editor&rsquo;s column in a medicine magazine.<br /> <br /> It was until one day, or &quot;once upon a time&quot; (like in every fairy tale!) she found herself in &ldquo;The School for Young Writers&rdquo; and... fell in love with fiction! During the course she wrote 11 novels and 2 fairy tales.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> The first one is &quot;Ellis and Mr.Christmas&quot; was published last summer. And soon Alya is coming up with the sequel &quot;Ellis in The Irreparable Forest&quot;.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Now Alya is preparing for publishing an educational fairytale for toddlers &laquo;Colours for Panda Bear Bo&raquo;. Alya&#39;s article on reading was published in the blog &laquo;PaPa Lingua&raquo; https://goo.gl/I6AYuv (in russian).<br /> <br /> Alya has got two nice daughters who are major listeners and readers of her fairytales and a passion for hand-made things that she uses in making up her interactive books for children.</p>